Listen & Buy Robin Renée Music
For CDs and more info, contact info@robinrenee.com.
All I Am - A bright pop anthem – sexy, spiritual, and bold – for all those who color outside the lines, determined to be all they are without apology.
Kirtan - Spiritual - Yoga Music
This. - Acoustic kirtan rhythms and spiritual ambience for meditation, movement, deep listening, and singing along
Live Devotion - Alt-folk Kirtan Mantra Pop - Sacred chant in the Indian tradition with musical and mystical flavors of the East and West
Rock - Alt-Folk - Mantra-Pop
spirit.rocks.sexy (compilation) - Imagine Chrissie Hynde, Joan Armatrading, and Elvis Costello having lucid dreams in India-- then catch up with Robin Renée's accessible, spiritual, lyric-driven alt-folk with this mix of new and celebrated recordings.
All Six Senses - Sex-positive alt-folk mantra-pop.
In Progress - smart singer-songwriter pop through the emotional filter of underground rock
Holiday Music
(Almost Had A) Holiday - Just because your holiday doesn't go as planned doesn't mean you can't have fun singing a happy little pop rock tune about it.
Hare Krishna Christmas - a holly jolly parody that celebrates the joy of blending holiday traditions