Blog March Day 20: A Timely Reminder from Marcia B - The Story is Not Over
Sex educator and relationship coach Marcia Baczynski works to provide people with practical tools to create extraordinary relationships. Today her Blog March entry gives us a profound perspective and insight into how we relate to the wider world. Yes, there may be a barrage of intense news, you may be dealing with external discrimination or your own internal demons. There is also inspired activism, a world full of amazing creatures, and the unique lives of everyone you meet and everyone you will never know. Take a step back, take time out to read "The Story is Not Over." It just may propel you toward the shift you need today.
Blog March is a movement for Raising Voices for Freedom of Expression, Knowledge, and Information. We've still got so much more on the way! Read more about Blog March 2017 and keep up with us for the entire month of May.