Blog March Day 29: JD Stillwater on Why the Little Things Matter

JD Stillwater is a science educator, writer, musician, and the creator and presenter of Seven Candles: Science for a Deeper Spirituality. Today on his blog, Run Deep, he tells the story of how a simple flyer he saw one day in 1985 led him to go on The Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament, which led to myriad life experiences neither he - nor the person who posted the flyer - could have ever imagined. Read "Little Things" for more on a dynamic personal story and some inspiring big picture concepts through Chaos Theory. What will you do in each moment, considering how profound each action may be?
We've got two more Blog March posts to look forward to, and lots to check out from throughout the month of May. Read, post your thoughts, and continue the Blog March conversations.